Episode 12: Obedience Over Outcome

An interview with Jenn Barrett

Obedience doesn't come easy for many. Is it possible to submit to God's authority when you don't know the next move? What if your stepping out fails? Jenn gives us a glimpse into how she has learned that obedience to God is better than worrying about the outcome. ⁣

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The Seeds


Name:  Jenn Jett Barrett

Age: 43

Home: Northwest Arkansas

Relationship Status: Married

Season of Work: Full time ministry

Hobbies: Friends and Travel

Interesting Facts about me:  I was a competitive jump roper in grade school

Jesus Journey: I came to know the Lord at 9 years old. I grew up in a home where I saw my mom pursue the Lord daily and always faithful to be in His word. She prayed me to salvation!

The Branches


When many think of the word “obedience” they think of compliance, restriction, maybe even no fun. How have you viewed/experienced “obedience” throughout your life? 

I completely understand why this word might make some people cringe. For some reason, for me, it feels more free than restrictive. I view obedience as faithfulness - obedience to the next right thing.

How do you define “obedience” and how is obedience part of our walk as followers of Christ?

I read the definition and it says “compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.” Again, if you are NOT one to like “following the rules” I get it. But as I have gotten older it seems to get easier and easier to submit to the plans and authority of the God who seems to know what he is doing and knows what is best. I have spent a lot of time trying to plan the details of my future, when all along, obedience to the next right things saves a lot of anxiety and time!

Let’s talk “The Well Summit” and “Camp Well.” How did this idea come about? 

It was a 10 year dream that the Lord had me put on the shelf to work some things out in me. I don’t think that is how he does it with everyone, but it was his process for me. When it came off the shelf it looked different than when it began.

What steps of obedience (faith or otherwise) did you take prior to creating “The Well Summit” and “Camp Well?”

There was a lot of resistance, so this is where the phrase, “Obedience over Outcome” started taking shape in my life . I had to disengage from social media. identify the lies, and find my lane. I had to shift my view of Kingdom work - there is room enough for all of us. 

One of the themes for Camp Well is “Obedience over Outcome” tell us about that?

We are invited and called to faithfully obey, what God does with that is HIS choice. Whether it fails or succeeds, begins or ends - that is HIS to do with.

Fear, lack of resources, experience, low self confidence...we could probably list off so many more stumbling blocks that can get in the way from us being obedient and stepping into what God has for us. What tends to get in your way ? How do you practically fight against the things that could potentially paralyze you? 

I work hard and play hard. So I have this tendency to get worn out. I am not great at establishing rhythms. It is my thorn you could say. This leads to shame and can become a cycle if I am not careful.

Is there something that you’re currently having to push back against and just be obedient despite how you may feel at times? 

I think this year has been uniquely heavy for me and for a lot of people. My flesh and mind feel tired. I sit in that tension of being present, resting, and pausing WHILE knowing the Lord has still called me to keep doing Camp Well. 

I fight to shut down and continue to show up - NOT out of striving or performance. I really believe the Lord has sanctified those things in me. But he wants me to stay in the game. It’s the same idea Paul references with training - when we train  we eat right, rest well, practice - all spiritual disciplines that prepare us for the battle at hand.

The Olive Tree


Olive Us was created for women to share their experiences through life and their "Only God" moments so that we can remember we are connected through Christ and that we're not alone. Why is this important?

There are times we don’t see God in our own lives, and so he uses the moments of others to remind us WHO he is. I have been told countless times that people see how much God loves THEM through my story. I think that is a pretty compelling reason to share yours:)

Finish these statements:

God is….faithful.

Obedience over Outcome Because…He knows best.

"Olive Us" are better when…Jesus is Better - better than approval, better than success, better than striving, better than performing, better than our circumstances.

Olives to Go


You can find more information on Camp Well & Register for the Next Session at: Thewellsummit.com

Thanks for having me “Olive Us”

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Episode 13: A Look Back


Episode 11: Rest for the Weary