Episode 10: Worth Waiting For

An interview with Cheryl Luke

Listen as Cheryl talks about a time in her life where she "jumped the gun" and didn't wait well, hear how pain produced patience in her life, and through it all God's hand never left. ⁣Cheryl is full of wisdom & honesty. She reminds us of how much God loves us.



The Seeds


Name: Cheryl Luke

Age: 56

Relationship Status: Single

Season of Work: Full time ministry - Work @ Shoreline Church, Austin, TX, Podcaster (The Mosaic Life), Speaker, National Director for Cultural Communities (Celebrate Recovery), Life Coach

Hobbies: Family dinner, travel, listening to old school funk and soul

Interesting Facts about me: Former licensed cosmetologist, love to sing

Jesus Journey: I was raised in a Christian, single parent home --I feel like I’ve always known the Lord

The Branches


Would you consider yourself a patient person? How have you grown in this area?

This is a loaded question - so is the answer. I don’t like to wait. I’ve learned over the years that it is best to trust God for the outcome. I would say that I’m on that journey to becoming more patient.

I’ve tried to manage things in my own strength/wisdom, and it just doesn’t work. I am becoming patient in some areas of my life and I have a lot of work to do in other areas. I am an Enneagram 1 - The reformer - Ian Krohn now calls the reformer “The Improver.” That right there should serve as evidence that patience and waiting are an opportunity for me. The Holy Spirit has been a factor in my journey towards patience and waiting.

Talk to us about a time in your life where you were called to be patient and you literally had to “walk out” the situation and there was NOTHING you could do to speed it up.

I would say the death of my mother and the journey to wanting to pray and trust God again. Losing a loved one is especially difficult. She had colon cancer and we prayed that God would heal her - and she passed away. I believe she is healed, no longer suffering. But she was not healed on this side of heaven.  I had to work that out in my heart. I had to wrestle with my faith, dependence and trust in the Lord. I knew what the Bible said, however, I expected an entirely different outcome. I was disappointed AND, I wanted to get over all of those feelings pretty quickly. Learning and allowing myself to feel disappointment and grieve the loss was hard and it was good. I just had to walk it out -- and it took some time.  

Typically longer seasons of waiting are painful. Emotionally painfully, financially painful, JUST ALL AROUND PAINFUL….how do we as followers of Christ prepare for these times in life? How do we as followers endure and perhaps even thrive in these types of seasons?

Surrender - sounds cliche, doesn’t it? What is surrender? What does it mean and how does one lean into that sacred space where we allow the Holy Spirit to truly lead us? It’s so difficult. It takes time, circumstance and experience. Pain and recovery. Watching others and learning. Falling and starting over. Accepting the fact that life is real and really hard.

What does the phrase, “waiting well” mean to you? Why is this important and how do you do this with a desire or dream God has put on your heart?

Is there such a thing!? Waiting well? Sounds wonderful. I’m currently studying about being made in the image of God. We are imagers, made in his image, yet we have this desire to do things our way. I believe it’s because of grace and created to reflect his Glory that we have the capacity to wait. I’m a single woman. If you would have asked me as a young girl or a young woman if I would be in my 50’s, single, and in full time ministry I would have said absolutely not. I would dominate the beauty industry - owning several salons and boutiques. I had everything worked out in my heart. Yet, here I am… single and in ministry. I wouldn’t change much!

Have you ever had a time in life where you “jumped the gun?” Where you moved before God said move? If so, how did that end up? What did you learn from that experience? 

Hi, my name is Cheryl “jump-the-gun” Luke! Girl, I prefer to have things done yesterday. I’m learning to sit back, remain silent, uncross my arms, and wait. I jumped the gun when I got married. I didn’t listen for God’s direction. I didn’t listen to those around me and found myself in a situation that was beyond devastating. I had the opportunity to walk away. I chose to move forward with my decision.  The impact was far reaching and took years to overcome. I would say a lesson was reinforced rather than learned - trust those around you. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.”

Let’s talk about dreams….you recently stepped out on a dream and launched, “The Mosaic Life Podcast.” Tell us about your podcast...when did that dream start for you?

Yes,I did just step out and launch The Mosaic Life Podcast. The goal of the podcast is to share life stories. We see individuals who seem to have achieved some level of success, yet we don’t have access to the details of the journey.

Examples…what it took to become who they are today…what types of struggles they encountered..how they overcame them…who helped them along the way…who are they now helping…why did they end up doing what they are doing? All of the elements that accompany the accomplishment are worth discussion. 

I could say the dream started 10 years ago, however, I prepared my whole life for this. It’s new, I’m learning from my mistakes, asking zillions of questions, stepping out in faith, taking risks and doing it afraid!

I wanted to launch this time last year, but I was afraid, and backed off. I was a guest on Jamie Ivey’s podcast and she asked if I had anything coming up - then she turned off the recording and said - If you give a date, you’ll need to follow through - that’s what I needed, and here we are!

I could say God’s timing was 10, 5 or 3 years ago and I was too afraid to do it. He is so good and doesn’t give up on me. So now is the time and He is in it. It is worth doing and worth the wait, in the sense that I didn’t walk away from it. I’m so glad I’m doing it.

For those in a position/career where they have been doing something for a really long time yet they feel the tug from God to go in a completely different direction....what advice would you give them in evaluating when it’s time to move in a new direction? 

Trust God in you. Trust those around you, identify a mentor or coach. Talk to people who have done what you want to do. Don’t be afraid to move OR do it afraid.

Pray. Write it out. Share with a few trusted dream defenders. Hold it loosely in your heart and allow God to unveil provision, timing and resource. He is faithful. And when you misstep remember that he has you and will course correct! As long as you are here, it’s not too late

**Gotta ask the Covid Question** In this season where we are all sheltered in place...what has this time of “waiting” to get back to life as we know it been like for you?

I’ve struggled with disappointment along with loss of income.  I’ve found I enjoy being at home. I’m ready to step out, but I’ve experienced rest, deepened familial relationships, lots of laughter, and cooking meals (may not be altogether good).While I’m ready to get back out, I am cherishing these moments. Thankful we have not fallen ill., praying intentionally for essential workers, those who are sick, as well as those who have lost loved ones.  

The Olive Tree


Olive Us was created for women to share their experiences through life and their "Only God" moments so that we can remember we are connected through Christ and that we're not alone. Why is this important?

I’m reminded of John 13. Jesus, sitting with his disciples -- humbles himself with humility and intimacy. He removes his robe, ties a towel around his waist and washes the disciples feet - with all power in heaven and earth in his hand! He says

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

We share our experiences because it was so graciously modeled for us, by the one and only! We do it because it was done for us. We do it so others behind us will continue.  Creating a ripple effect. 

Finish these statements: 

God is…my everything. I am absolutely NOTHING without him. A hot mess!

God’s timing is …the BEST timing because there is no better timing.

We know we’re “waiting well” when….we lean in to that sacred space that is occupied by the Holy Spirit.

"Olive Us" are better when…we are together and  recognize that all of us are necessary.

Thanks for having me “Olive Us”

I would LOVE to have you part of The Mosaic Life Podcast community. You can find us on Instagram (@themosaiclifepodcast) & listen to the podcast episodes in all the popular places. Please subscribe! You can connect with me on my personal Instagram (@cherylluke) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Cheryl-R-Luke-107264530763808) .For more information on Celebrate Recovery visit www.celebraterecovery.com.

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Episode 11: Rest for the Weary


Episode 9: Young & FREE