Episode 9: Young & FREE

An interview with Hannah McCord

Young & stepping into the FREEDOM that is available to all who follow Christ. ⁣



The Seeds


Name: Hannah McCord

Age: 17

Season of Work: Student

Hobbies: Soccer, baking, babysitting, ceramics

Interesting Facts about me: I will be playing D1 soccer for the University of Portland this fall(2020!) I worked at Neighbor Bakehouse, a local small business in the Dogpatch, where I learned to bake. I’m a native San Franciscan! I love coffee and my mom has a coffee shop.

Jesus Journey:

My family has deep roots in the way of Jesus. My grandparents are second generation missionaries in Brazil. I grew up going to church, practically from the moment I was born. I accepted Jesus as a little kid, probably around 5 yrs old. I was baptized by my dad and grandpa in Brazil when I was seven. Those two huge milestones just felt like the norm. I wanted them and I knew what they meant, but I didn’t quite understand what they meant for MY life and MY journey.

In 2016 I went to Brazil with my brother and we got to join in on a TIME youth missions trip led by my grandpa. That trip was really influential in my faith journey. The teenagers we were with inspired me, they truly loved Jesus. Then in 2018, I went to Brazil again with my dad and spent a lot of time with the youth ministry at the church my grandpa led. I absolutely loved spending time with all the teenagers there. The community there was deep, they did really fun things, and everyone loved Jesus. I left Brazil wanting a youth community like theirs here in SF. The past four years I have discovered what it really means to have a relationship with Jesus or more importantly what that means to me.

The Branches


So you’re a Senior in high school here in San Francisco…..you’ve grown up here in SF...what has that experience been like?

I feel so blessed to call San Francisco home! It has been a privilege to grow up in such a diverse city and to be really connected. Any new passion I have, there is someone I can call who is either doing that or knows someone who is. Rachael, you have been my go-to person for all college soccer questions! I have gone to three incredible public schools, where I have met people of all backgrounds and made deep friendships.

AND…. the FOOD SCENE is incredible. I have eaten delicious food, from all around the world. I love to explore neighborhoods:). Hanging out with friends does not mean the mall, it means food. We go grab coffee or dinner on a cute mainstreet. Sadly, I don’t have my license yet...but that’s not a problem in SF! I take muni and BART everywhere.

What does having your “own” faith look like? What does your relationship with the Lord look like currently and what spiritual disciplines do you practice to strengthen your faith? 

My parents set me up with a strong faith foundation. I have had to discover my own “whys” and really what my faith means to me. I want to be a light in dark places and I want my life to be an example to others. My relationship with Jesus is all about trust. It has been a journey to put my full trust in Jesus and I am still not perfect by any means. But by trusting him, I have overwhelming peace. One of my favorite spiritual disciplines is listening to worship music every morning on my bus ride to school. Starting my day in worship has been really great because the verses stick with me throughout the day.

How do you personally handle peer pressure and situations where you know either your parents wouldn’t approve and/or God wouldn’t approve?

My parents have equipped me to enter any room, any situation, and be okay. Who I am and my identity, is more important than the environment I’m in. I have not been perfect, but I am always trying to strengthen my identity.

What’s the challenge with not being “weird” and sharing your faith with others in your stage of life? Do you have an example you could share with us?

I used to be afraid that I would be treated differently because of my faith. But in San Francisco, everyone is different. It’s about confidence in what you believe in. I have learned that being confident in who I am and what I believe in is not only what matters, but it’s respected. I still struggle with this confidence.

At our local church you are currently leading a small group. Can you tell us about it? What made you decide to lead this group? 

I wanted to create a space for deep, open conversations among highschoolers, where no question is off limits. It was important to me that there be a place outside of students ministry on Sundays for young people to talk about faith and life. Ultimately, I wanted to create community. I asked my friend Maya, who is also a student at Epic, to co-lead with me. She latched onto the vision right away. We had 10 people sign up for the group, which was really exciting because Epic doesn’t have many highschoolers to begin with. We had three great meetings before COVID19 and then we had to switch to google hangouts(because who wants another zoom call?!). I would say that we accomplished more than our goal. I’m thankful for the community, especially during challenging times like these.

**Gotta ask the Covid Question** You’re a SENIOR & PROM has been cancelled. How are you handling this? How are you dealing with a very different “senior year?”

Thankfully I went to senior prom last year so I’ve got that checked off the list. It’s been hard to have my second semester of senior year cancelled. There are a lot of disappointments but those disappointments seem so small right now. We are living through a pandemic, something I never thought would happen in my lifetime. It definitely isn’t ideal but it isn’t ideal for anyone. It has been a hard time but one full of opportunities. I’ve been totally local which is super cool. I’ve volunteered at the food pantry, written cards to the residents of the elderly home, and bought takeout/groceries from the restaurants down the street. I probably wouldn’t have done these things during a normal time.

The Olive Tree


Olive Us was created for women to share their experiences through life and their "Only God" moments so that we can remember we are connected through Christ and that we're not alone. Why is this important?

It’s simple, other people’s stories have the ability to inspire and give hope to others. It doesn’t matter if you’re going through a similar thing or if you have no relation to their story at all, you can be inspired. Someone’s trust in God in one circumstance can lead you to trust God in your own. Sharing stories of God’s faithfulness reminds us that He is always working. These stories also have the power to reassure us that we are not alone and that others have experienced the same or similar thing. There will always be a new problem or new feeling but God’s faithfulness is unchanging.

Finish these statements: 

God is…a loving father.

We can REST because…..we can trust.

"Olive Us" are better when…we show empathy and support one another.

Thanks for having me “Olive Us”



Episode 10: Worth Waiting For


Episode 8: Vocation for His Sake