Episode 2: Thrive Wherever You Are

An interview with Brittany Williams

Hear how God continues to refine her through each move and changing season.

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The Seeds


Name: Brittany Williams

IG: brittanylwilliams6812

Age: 29

Relationship Status: Married

Season of Work: Marriage and Family Therapist

Hobbies: Relationship building, hiking, eating, yoga and reading 

Interesting Facts about me: Simultaneously, I can cross one eye and leave one straight :)

Jesus Journey:

I attribute my relationship with Jesus to be the product of my Grandmother’s diligent prayer life.  If you were to assess my life from a logical standpoint (believe me, I’ve tried many times) there is no other explanation.  Growing up I did not attend church regularly and my family did not function with God as their foundation.

As a young girl being raised in the mountains of Western North Carolina, I spent much of my time playing outdoors.  I recall always being in a peaceful feeling when I was indulging in God’s creation. It was common for me to talk out loud to the wind, birds, and trees. I genuinely believe on a subconscious level I was praying out loud to God and that feeling that I vividly remember was His peace settling over me. 

When I was in fifth grade, my teacher asked if I’d like to attend a Christian summer camp that she volunteered at during the summer. While in attendance at this camp I confessed my sinful nature and asked our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to live in my heart and be the compass of my life. For the remainder of my adolescent years I would attend church and youth group with friends and even managed to get my family to go to church for most major holidays.  It wasn’t until I moved away from home for college until I really saw how to invite Jesus into my day-to-day life.      

The Branches


How do you create an identity outside of being a military wife since you move so often?

I’m just so thankful that my identity is found in Jesus because it makes finding my “place” with each set of orders less frightening. Because of the transient nature of the military lifestyle, if you try to find your identity in objects, places, or people around you, you’ll be like the farmers seeds in Matthew 13:4, unable to thrive unless you have the rich soil of Jesus. I’m human, so of course I get insecure and wonder about the details but ultimately I have a sense of peace because I know God will always provide the perfect home, daily routine, familiar faces, job opportunities, church family, etc.

How do you create community and build relationships when you’re on the move?

Creating community and building relationships is a no nonsense business as a military family.  Because you often do not have family nearby for daily and emotional support it is vital to build community.  I walk into each new town with a curious heart posture and teenager’s appetite. What I mean by this is that I’m curious as to how God is going to weave me into the life that already exists in this new place. 

What does God want me to see? How is He going to use me and our family in this new place? What grocery store will I learn like the back of my hand? Which playground are the girls going to prefer? My appetite is ravenous for connection.  I am intentional, transparent and consistent with the people God brings into my life.

I intentionally start conversations with new faces, I’m transparent about myself. I don’t hide the fact that we are a military family because I’m insecure it’ll deter new friends.  I have faith that they will still want to build a relationship because they will feel God’s love through me. I’m consistent because I follow-up with those conversations that I initially start.

Lastly but most importantly, Pray! This isn’t an easy endeavor. Pray for God’s stamina and peace as you settle.      

When the going gets tough: What happens emotionally and spiritually when you move?

Well...get a can of cola, shake it and then open it.  :) That’s what happens emotionally and spiritually each time you move.  You literally have no idea which way you’re going to spew. I have found that the best thing to do in this time is to try not to over analyze or foreshadow.  Walk in blind faith. I remind myself that it’s going to feel uncomfortable and I’ll feel like tossing in the rag more times than I care to admit but life (both internal and external) will settle.  It always does.  

Only God moments- how have you seen God at work through your moves and times of loneliness?

Oh gosh, there have been so many instances where I’ve seen God work in and through this lifestyle.  God is always in the details. In this lifestyle there are so many moving pieces especially during transfer season that it’s humanly impossible to be on top of everything.  But time and time again God has shown me that no matter how many pieces seem to be moving chaotically they are moving in accordance with His perfect plan. Some examples off the top of my head include God bringing us to San Francisco when I was 8 months pregnant with our first daughter.  For our family, so many life giving relationships were cultivated and through that community we were blessed with spiritual growth and a closeness to God that is so rich.  

Do you believe God is our comforter and provider(Jehovah Jireh?) If so, how have you experienced this? 

He most definitely is!  As a military spouse you gain lots of experience with transitions.  As anyone can attest, a transition essentially is a time in space saturated with more unknowns than one is used to coping with on a regular basis.  As a result, transitions can lead to increased tension and anxiety both intra and inter personally. It has been my experience that God comforts me when I feel isolated and alone and also provides for me and family in our circumstances, be it the perfect house, church community, job, or school with each new duty station.

Speak to the woman whose job takes her away from home often/ the military wife/wife that has a spouse that travels often- How would you encourage them in their particular season?

I would remind them that they are so strong. God see’s them and they are not alone. I’d encourage them to reach out to their support network so that they could experience that connection that we were created to delight in.  

The Olive Tree


Olive Us was created for women to share their experiences through life and their "Only God" moments so that we can remember we are connected through Christ and that we're not alone. Why is this important?

This is essential when it comes to overcoming the power of the enemy.  He thrives on isolating people. Therefore, when we “talk story” and share how God is showing up in our lives it cultivates strength and unites us--strengthening the body of Christ.  Scripture reminds us of this in Ecclesiastes 4:9 by saying, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.” NLT.      

Finish these statements: 

God is..................the one true power, and loves you beyond measure.

"Olive us" are better when........we let go of what we think we know and walk in humble faith with a curious and open heart. 

Thanks for having me “Olive Us”


Episode 3: Mission Mentality


Episode 1: A Season of Pain