Episode 3: Mission Mentality

An interview with Cari Trotter

Did you know that the attitudes and postures we are developing right now are creating a culture for our lives? Listen as Cari explains how she lives with a “HERE FOR IT” mentality based on the command in Deuteronomy 6:5.



The Seeds


Name: Cari Trotter

Age: 39

Relationship Status: Married

Where is home for you? Conway, Arkansas

Season of Work: The Becoming Ministry- 501c3

Hobbies: Art, Design {home + fashion}, running, yoga

Interesting Facts about me: Football Coach’s Wife {moved 6 times in 16 years}, coffee lover, designed a wedding gown for Anne Barge Bridal fall collection @ New York Fashion week in 2003, ran a marathon, love lingering over a good brunch with family/friends, adore a good vintage find with story behind it & adventurous at heart - love traveling with my tribe.

Jesus Journey

 I was raised in a house and by parents that were and still are actively following Christ and attending church. However, I realized at a young age when I sat in a church service about living with the fruits of the Spirit {Galatians 5:22} - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control - there was NO WAY I could do that on my own. I also realized my parents could not live my faith for me. It had to be my own. So, that day as an 8 year old I confessed I was a sinner in need of a Savior and  accepted Christ as the way, the truth, and the life… and that there are no other gods before Him. Although I have walked with the Lord for 31 years, it has been VERY IMPERFECT. I have learned a lifestyle of allowing God’s grace to be at work in and through my life as I persistently pursue His heart. BUT this one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, no matter how persistent I have had to be through disappointment, loss, discouragement, frustration, joy, success, celebration and all the feels in-between …JESUS has been worth every persistent step in the journey. 

The Branches


The very 1st time I heard you speak at Camp Well you spoke about this concept of Mission Mentality. Can you tell us in a nutshell where that message came from and what it means?

Yes! In a quick nutshell I would like to suggest mission was never intended to be about a destination. I believe mission is best lived as a mentality. It frees me to know mission is not about my perfection either. I love what Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” With my life circumstances having moved me 6 times in 16 years I could grow weary of replanting and striving for familiarity. If I carry about a mentality to love God with my whole heart, soul and mind no matter where I am or what might be happening I’m free from destination perfection.

THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!! Even when we know God is with us, for us, makes no mistakes... why is having a mission mentality so hard at times? How do you personally struggle?

Mission Mentality is definitely a muscle I have had to DECIDE to use. The slogan “HERE FOR IT” has been floating around for some time now. While in a conversation with my 13 year old son about our most recent changes I found myself challenging us both to be HERE FOR IT. Initially it was intended to create levity to an otherwise heavy conversation, but the more I considered it the more it assimilated into my thoughts on mission mentality. I have walked through so much change, surrender, brokenness, fear and honestly you name it so it has felt like a sacrifice of praise to proclaim to God, “HERE FOR IT”....but it has made all the difference in my hope. The attitudes and postures we are developing right now are creating a culture for our lives. HERE FOR IT to me has come to mean living with a mission mentality based on the command in Deuteronomy 6:5. To take each season and circumstance of life right before you and allowing all of life to be found in Jesus and for Jesus. Somehow when I tell both my spirit, my reality and remind God, “HERE FOR IT” I settle into a position of empowerment and remembrance that life is not about everything being in my control. My experiences are all, even the superficial ones we think have little ramifications, meant to be found in Him and for Him. Life is about having eyes to see things from God’s perspective and with His heart in mind.

Weariness is defined as feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep. We are all susceptible to weariness...single, married, kids, no kids, young, old….do you think weariness can be used as a tactic from the enemy to derail us from God’s plan and purpose for our lives?

Absolutely. Surrender, admission of needs, and community have all given me the space to wrestle through seasons of weariness. And when I don’t know what else to do worship has been a weapon of warfare against weariness. All of those combined together keep us willing to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”

The word “mission” might be intimidating for some. It may sound heavy….or one may think of being in a battle. Why should we embrace the term “mission mentality” as followers and disciples of Christ and not be paralyzed by it?

Well, it has been my experience no matter what particulars surround our lives we are all in a battle of sorts! I do hear that “mission” might feel heavy and that is why I sometimes drop the mission part and simply have the capacity to carry the mentality again to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” For me personally “mission” could look like showing up faithfully to support my husband at his football games. It could look like staying up a little later than expected and allowing God to give me strength as I talk to my son at bedtime. It could look like pausing to have a conversation with the cashier checker at Trader Joes. It could look like opening my home up to 30 defensive football players for nachos and Thursday night football. It could mean responding to a direct message on instagram for prayer. We are simply called to transpose the love relationship we have with Jesus onto our reality. Those every day exchanges have the potent power to expose Kingdom more than any other. 

As you know...I walk alongside a lot of mamas at my church in San Francisco. One of the common themes moms struggle with is feeling like they’re in this season where God doesn’t care about them because they’re not clocking in to a job outside of the home. I’ve even sat in College Ministry where young people believe they are in this waiting pattern and they have to be perfect before they can walk with Jesus….how can you encourage those that feel like God can’t use them right now?

Oh, I SO understand this struggle. I think the biggest encouragement I could give them would be that it is a decision to trust and know God is MOST DEFINITELY using them. Every single day. To DECIDE to be at this following Jesus gig imperfectly, but persistently. A DECISION at the front end of every day to prayerfully ask for a revelation of His movement through your life. With all tenderness in my soul I am laying this question/declaration before myself and the Lord every day, “I don’t understand. I don’t think this is fair. I don’t think I can move forward….and yet, I am WILLING to seek your heart in this waiting, seek your mind in this brokenness and uncover your strength in this space BECAUSE I HAVE DECIDED TO FOLLOW YOU JESUS.” No matter where you are, God can and is using you as you proclaim your willingness. I’m cheering for you! Keep going!

The Olive Tree


Olive Us was created for women to share their experiences through life and their "Only God" moments so that we can remember we are connected through Christ and that we're not alone. Why is this important?

Because we need each other! More times than I can count I have needed to “borrow the belief” of another’s story of “Only God” to see me through my own set of circumstances. God stories give us hope and lead us on. We MUST keep sharing together where we are in the midst of allowing God to “BECOME our strength and our song.” {Psalm 118:14}

Finish these statements: 

God is...............good in season and out of season

I know I’m living “on mission” when………I am operating from a mentality and not a destination and when I am allowing grace to flow in steady streams in and through me.

"Olive us" are better when........we are on-mission together...HERE FOR IT and HERE FOR HIM! 

Thanks for having me “Olive Us”

I would LOVE to have more friends join me for the spring 2020 Becoming Tribe Exclusives where we will be showing up in front of God’s Word, opening up our unique story lines, and reveal souls becoming set free! You can find the information to register at www.caritrotter.com/becoming-tribe

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Episode 4: Our Refuge, Our Strength, Our Rescuer


Episode 2: Thrive Wherever You Are