Episode 23: Loving Where You Live
An interview with Shauna Pilgreen
Shauna shares her 'in process' story of how she lives & loves in the City of San Francisco, and gives practical tips & encouragement on how to do the same in your quadrants of life. Get your pen & pad ready to go...Shauna will share the CARE model from her "Caretaker" chapter in “Love Where You Live.”
The Seeds
Name: Shauna Pilgreen
Age: 43
Where do you call home: San Francisco, CA
Relationship Status: Married
Season of Work: Writer
Hobbies: Blogging; Walking; Traveling; Learning History; Casual Biking
Interesting Facts: I think Jekyll island is the best island in the world. I love to decorate our home with stories.
Jesus Journey: My parents introduced me to Him. I was 8 years old.
The Branches
How does Shauna Pilgreen “love where she lives?!
I see everyone in front of me as God’s plan.
I can’t read Scripture and it not include go, discipleship, love your neighbor.
As you know, ‘Olive Us’ is about the ‘in-process’ story. On your website, you provide so many tools to help small groups, churches, and followers of Jesus. Why is it important to not see ‘loving where you live’ as a checklist you do once and then be done and feel good about yourself? Why does Jesus care about this work and call us to it?
Checklist is religious. Lifestyle is discipleship. What are you? Religious or a disciple? If we believe God we will do what he says more often. Abram believed and it was credited to him as righteousness.
Was there any part of you that was inspired to write LWYL because it was so HARD to ‘love where you live’ in SF?
Inspired to write it because it was worth it.
Since writing LWYL so much has changed. Global Pandemic, mask wearing, social distancing, online church for over a year, an election that fueled the fire for the divisiveness in the church, and there was hate crime after hate crime.
This is just the Macro stuff...but there is the Micro stuff in our lives too! Phew!!! What have YOU learned about yourself during this time?
I honestly believe things are changing for the good. I believe coming close to our neighbors, telling and seeking truth, making this life count has grown in value.
I learned this to be true. To cling to His Word. To trust He is near when I can’t feel Him. To focus on the local life, not the social media life.
‘Olive Us’ are called to “love our neighbor.” LWYL gives Matthew 22 legs and provides practical tips by merely sharing your ‘in process’ story.
What are some practical tips you can share for the person that needs a framework on how to love their neighbor and the place they call home?
Jesus left heaven. We can leave our comforts. He did something, not everything with what He saw. He engaged in the lives of those around Him. I talk quadrants, circles, hubs, and the importance of getting out and walking! Position matters.
Encourage the one in a season or place where they don’t want to be. Maybe someone is experiencing deep hurt from a person and everything we’ve talked about today is like nails on a chalkboard.
I’ll say it again. Jesus. Also, the CARE acronym may help:
C-ome to Jesus
A-cknowledge the tension you’re facing
R-epent & Recenter
E-nter back into the story
Olive Us was created for women to share their in process experiences and their "Only God" moments so that we can remember we are connected through Christ and that we're not alone. Why is this important?
We have to be careful to share our wounds not our scars at least publicly. Isolation is enemy ground. Connection is kingdom living.
The Olive Tree
Finish these statements:
God is…at work and invites us to join Him
We can ‘love where we live’ because... Christ has already come and died for us all
Olive Us are better when…we don’t compare our stories but celebrate one another