Episode 6: When a Burden Leads to Movement

An interview with Praise Santos

Wise, encouraging words from our sister Praise Santos. Hear how God laid a burden on her heart and she made moves to shift the way we “do weddings” in our country. She stepped out...and stepped in to a space where she is creating positive social and environmental change. ⁣

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The Seeds


Name: Praise Santos

Age: 29

Relationship Status: Single…not ready to mingle…haha

Where are you originally from: Orlando, Florida

Where is HOME for you: San Francisco, CA

Season of Work: run a photography studio, ComePlum

Hobbies: making puns, urban hikes, dancing

Interesting Facts about me: professional roller coaster rider

Jesus Journey: I was fortunate to grow up with parents who are believers and raised in the church. However, I grew up simply rule-following. It wasn’t until I was 16 that I realized it wasn’t about that. It was accepting grace and making Jesus the ultimate in my life. It’s been a story of continually letting go since then. God is continually redeeming my “have-to/earning” mentality into, by grace and His enoughness do I find my enoughness. 

The Branches


Recently you’ve created a company called Ethical Weddings.  Can you tell us about it and the journey that brings us to today? 

Ethical Weddings uses the wedding day to do good by resourcing engaged couples and wedding vendors to make positive social and environmental impact. It came about because I was traveling doing some photo journalistic work in Guatemala photographing a chocolate farmer who was trying to send his son to college. When I returned to San Francisco I was set to photograph a wedding, which in our area averages between $35-45k, and that divide just didn’t sit well with me. I knew there had to be a way that these two could connect, where it wouldn’t be so us versus them. I realized that if I inspired couples to use their ceremony as a platform for community, and their party as an opportunity for philanthropy, we could really make positive social and environmental change. 

From an outsider looking in it seems that you’re super confident, super secure, and a go-getter...do you feel this way about yourself? 

On good days ☺️ we all have our moments. I think it's a spectrum. I actually do a dance with anxiety, depression, disordered eating, and distorted body image. They are issues I have struggled with since I was a teenager and I’ve learned to manage and even be grateful for the lessons it's taught me now in early adulthood. I’m now at a point where I’m open about them and know where and how to ask for help.

What are some insecurities you struggle with? What does pressing into God look like when you’re feeling discouraged? Any books/scriptures/etc that have helped you through these times?

As someone who is both behind and in front of the camera, I will tell you that we all as women (and many men too)even the supermodels, all have that one thing about our body we are sensitive about. I hope this helps make us all feel less alone. Perfection is an illusion! What's most beautiful to me is when we own it and realize it doesn't define us. 

I keep a few notes on my phone: affirmations and promises of God. They remind me that I’m a daughter of a king, called by name, and called His. And it's not based on what I’ve accomplished in my career, how big my waistline is, my relationship status, or whether or not I have kids. 

There’s probably some women watching and saying to themselves:

“I feel like God has put a burden on my heart to start “X” but I have no idea where to begin”


”God has given me these gifts...but I don’t know how to use them” 


“I’m super busy at work/traveling/w/children...how can I possibly respond to the dreams God has given me in this season?

What would you say to this women? Tips? 

The world needs what you got. There's a reason why He gave that idea to you. But also, He’s got this. He can mastermind your schedule and resources. Do your part; whether that's educating yourself further on the topic or sharing your idea with a friend. Let God set out the next steps for you. As my mom says, “the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.” Also, find people already working toward what you want to do and join with them. Attend in person Meetups, join Facebook groups, listen to podcasts, and go to conferences. Also, see failures as inevitable learnings.

The Olive Tree


Olive Us was created for women to share their experiences through life and their "Only God" moments so that we can remember we are connected through Christ and that we're not alone. Why is this important and how did community play a part in launching Ethical Weddings...and even ComePlum?

I'm so glad you created this and I could be part of your community that cheers you on. I recently joined with two other wedding planners, one in New York City, and another in Vancouver to further the Ethical Weddings movement. Having the support and sharing the load has eased so much anxiety about it.

Finish these statements:

God is...............here

God’s love for Olive us is: what makes us who we are created to be.

"Olive us" are better when........ receive and we give .

Thanks for having me “Olive Us”

Thanks for having me “Olive Us!” Want to chat about your eco-ethical wedding? Want to chat about your new #girlboss biz idea? Book a 15 min phone call with me at calendly.com/praise/15min.

Photography Instagram | Ethical Weddings Instagram | Website | Personal Instagram


Episode 7: Longing to Belong


Episode 5: Combating the Lies that Surround Comparison